Officers - Norfolk County Indoor Bowling Association

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County Officers 2024/25
Contact details
David Perry

County Arts

01263 821778

Senior Vice President

John Mason

County Arts

07730 281318

Junior Vice President
David Perry
County Arts

01263 821778

Hon. Secretary
Chris Taylor

Norfolk BC

01362 691904 / 07708 933489

Hon. Treasurer
David Perry

County Arts

01263 821778
Hon. Asst Secretary
David Perry
County Arts
01263 821778
Hon. Match Sec (County Friendlies / Pres)

Gordon Roberts

Wymondham Dell

07850 761444

Hon. Competition Secretary
Barney Wymer
Acle IBC

07847 732964

Hon. League Secretary
David Perry

County Arts

01263 821778
Immediate Past President
David Perry
County Arts

Past President William Windsor County Arts
Safeguarding Officer
Steve Pope
Gallow IBC
07493 361371
Chris Taylor
Norfolk BC
01362 691904 / 07708 933489

Liberty Trophy Manager
Richard Summers
Norfolk BC
07794 174035
O60 Inter County Manager
Ian Wones
Norfolk BC
07944 353165
U25 Manager
Steve Pope
Gallow IBC
07493 361371

Liberty Trophy Assistants


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