Norfolk County Indoor Bowling Association
News (Please refresh your browsers to ensure you get the most recent updates)
9th February - Results & League Tables for Norfolk CIBA County League updated on website following games played on Friday 7th and Saturday 8th February.
25th January - Result of Under 25 Inter-County Double Rink Competition Second Round played @ Norfolk BC and Ipswich & District IBC today - Norfolk CIBA 33 Suffolk CIBA 45.
Suffolk will now play Kent in the Quarter-Final.
24th January - Over 60's Inter-Club Double Rink Competition Results & League Tables updated on website following games played during week commencing Monday 20th January.
14th January - Result of Over 60's Inter-County Knock-Out Competition Quarter-Final played @ Spalding IBC today - Northamptonshire CIBA 125 Norfolk CIBA 113.
Northamptonshire will now play Lincolnshire or in the Semi-Final.
County Championships 2024/25 - please click on the button above for the draws and other competition information
Mens' County League & O60s Double Rink - results are available by clicking on the buttons above which will either open the page or download a copy depending on the device being used.
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